
L4D2 autoexec.cfg

2016. 4. 15. 14:46
mat_setvideomode 1920 1080 1 // mat_setvideomode width height mode
mat_setvideomode 1920 1080 0 // Mode: 0. Fullscreen 1. Window Mode 폰트적용을 위한 명령 단 폰트 애드온은 창작마당이 아닌 addon 방식으로 추가해야함
cl_autohelp "0"                         // default 1;    게임 내 도움말을 해제합니다
cl_crosshair_thickness "1"              // default 2;    조준점 두께 조절
cl_crosshair_dynamic "0"                // default 1;    동적 조준점 (0으로 설정하면 총쏠데 에임 벌어지는것을 막음)
cl_viewmodelfovsurvivor "70"
rate 30000
cl_cmdrate 30
cl_updaterate 20    
cl_interp 0.1
cl_interp_ratio 2   // actual value will clamp to the minimum value allowed by the current server

cl_downloadfilter "nosounds"              //    짜증나는 SFX의 다운로드 비활성화
cl_allowdownload "1"                      //    서버에서 사용자 정의 다운로드를 할 수 있습니다
cl_autohelp "0
m_rawinput 0
sensitivity "2.36"                           // default 3; 윈도우 마우스 가속 끔 DPI 800
net_graph 1                                   // 핑과 러프등을 보여줌
net_graphproportionalfont 0             // net_graph 폰트를 작게함
net_graphheight "9999"
bind "TAB" "+scorenet" // 탭키 누를때 점수볼때만 net graph를 보여줌
alias "+scorenet" "+showscores; net_graphheight 0"
alias "-scorenet" "-showscores; net_graphheight 9999"

bind = "say !ready"                      // 컨포글방에서 레디명령어 채팅창에 타이핑
bind "F10" "say !cvar sb_all_bot_game 1"
bind "F4" "say !cvar versus_tank_chance 1"
bind "F5" "say !cvar versus_tank_chance_finale 1"
bind "F8" "say !cvar versus_tank_chance_intro 1"
bind "F9" "say !cvar versus_tank_flow_team_variation 0"
bind "F11" "say !cvar vs_max_team_switches 9999"
//bind "F11" "say !z_ghost_delay_max 20"
bind "DEL" "show_menu Menu"
bind "," "exec lerp0.cfg"
bind "." "exec lerp1.cfg"

//milli swap
alias swap_alias "alias w_swap swap_bind"
alias swap_bind "slot1;slot3;slot4;slot5; wait 8; slot2;wait 100;w_swap"
alias swap_stop "alias w_swap"
alias +wswap "swap_alias;w_swap"
alias -wswap "swap_stop;slot2"
bind "MOUSE4" "+wswap"
//auto bhop MOUSE5
alias bhop_alias "alias bhop_jump bhop_bind"
alias bhop_bind "+jump;wait 2;-jump;wait 2;bhop_jump"
alias bhop_stop "alias bhop_jump"
alias +bhop "bhop_alias;bhop_jump"
alias -bhop "bhop_stop;-jump"
bind "MOUSE5" "+bhop"
bind "space" "+jump"
//alias +jd "+duck; +jump"
//alias -jd "-duck; -jump"
//bind "MOUSE5" "+jd"
motd_enabled 0
cl_resend 10

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